Extra Curricular Activities


SFS School has a proud record of sporting achievements. All students, whatever their ability, are encouraged to take part in the school’s sporting programme. Sports available include football, cricket, basketball and badminton.

While the thrill of competition and victory is an important part of any sport, our primary goals are to encourage participation, to accept winning and losing graciously, to generate a life-long interest in fitness, to develop skills and to take pride in having done our best.

Co-Scholastic Activities

The soul and spirit of a school is often found in its co-scholastic activities. An important part of any broad-based education is the opportunity for self-expression. A balanced education is a priority at SFS. Students participate in drama, dance, debates, public speaking, and tournaments of various kinds.

The activities promote qualities of self-reliance, initiative, cooperation, confidence and the capacity to deal with significant emotional and physical challenges. The talents of students at SFS are displayed through performances, exhibitions and competitions throughout the year.

Continous And Comprehensive Evaluation

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) refers to a system of school –based evaluation of students that covers all aspects of the students development. It is a development process of assessment which emphasizes on two-fold objectives.

  • Continuity in evaluation
  • Assessment of broad-based learning and behavioural outcomes.

Continuous assessment means regularity of assessment, frequency of unit testing, diagnosis of learning gaps, use of corrective measures, retesting and self-evaluation.

Comprehensive means talking about the ‘whole child’ –both the scholastic and the co-scholastic aspects of students’ growth and development, using a variety of tools and techniques, aiming at assessing a learner’s development in all areas of learning-knowledge,Understanding/Comprehension,application,Analysis,Evaluation and Creativity.

Parental Participation

There is abundant evidence that students do better at school when parents show an interest in their achievements and when parental involvement in school life is evident.

SFS has a record of strong parental involvement in all aspects of the school. Parents are always welcome at school activities and functions.

The school has a parent-teacher association consisting of representatives of parents, teachers and the school administration. This body gives advice and formulates policies which provide academic, spiritual and financial direction to the school.


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