Science Club

Science club aims at the development of scientific attitude in students. It helps to develop genuine interest in science and science activities. Science club channelize the energies of students and make use of their skills and talents, which satisfy their instincts and helps in their overall personality development. While participating in science club activities students organize their thought and translate these into action and thereby develop enthusiasm to strive for the cause of scientific enterprise.

Through the club, it is possible to develop positive attitude towards learning science.

The aims and objectives of science club

  • To provide proper incentive and inspiration for the pursuit of scientific knowledge in vigorous way by broadening their scientific outlook.
  • To help the students in imbibing the habit of self –realiance, self-dependence and love for manual work .
  • To make students understand the value of time and to help them in proper utilization of their leisure hours
  • To create interest in scientific facts and events related to one’s surroundings.
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