Rules and Regulations

  1. English being the medium of instruction, conversation in the school, except in language classes should be in English. Hence the students and staff are expected to speak only in English once they enter the school campus. The parents should encourage pupils to cultivate the habit of speaking English at home.
  2. The wearing of the proper school uniform is compulsory on all class days and for school functions
  3. Follow strictly the working hours of the school 9.15 a.m. to 3.45 p.m.
  4. The pupil must arrive at the school 10mts before the first bell which rings at 9.15a.m.After the first bell no parents are allowed to go to the class rooms.
  5. Students arriving on school campus before the first bell have to go straight to their own class rooms and busy with the day’s lessons or home work in silence. They must not be seen outside their class rooms or in the play ground.
  6. Late comers shall meet the Principal before entering the class.
  7. Punctuality and regular attendance are insisted upon.
  8. Late or absence must be obtained in writing by parents in the space provided in the school diary.
  9. No student shall leave the school campus without the permission of the principal.
  10. The student is not allowed to bring valuable items like gold ornaments or too much money. The money brought to the school should be handed over to the class teacher and taken back when required. The school will not be responsible for the loss of jewellery, Money or any other valuable.
  11. All the belongings of pupils shall bear their name. The school will not be responsible for loss of any.
  12. It is forbidden to purchase eatable while coming to and returning from school.
  13. Every student shall behave decently within and outside the school campus to bring honour to the school community and family. Misbehavior in public places, streets and conveyances are sufficient reason for dismissal from the school.
  14. The school reserves the right to dismiss pupils whose diligence or progress in study is consistently unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other or whose guardian show little interest in the progress of their wards.
  15. Students are strictly forbidden to write or scribble on the walls ,desks, etc. Throw paper or ink about in class rooms or any other way causing damages to the school premises. Damages done should be compensated at the discretion of the Principal.
  16. Running , playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed. When passing through corridor during class hours Students shall keep silence. School authorities will not be responsible for children after school hours.
  17. All entries of absence , late coming etc. should be made in this handbook
  18. Personal stereos, mobile phones, C.D. players, computer games, video games are not allowed in school.
  19. Irregular attendance , habitual ideas idleness, disobedience or defiance of authority .lack of sufficient reason for dismissal of Students.
  20. Student who goes out of the school premises during school hours without prior information and permission is considered to be a serious violation of the discipline. The principal may take any disciplinary action against such Students.
  21. Very Student should bring regularly his/hers school diary. The first pages where the personal details are asked for must be duly filled and signed by the parents.
  22. All Students must be in have their identity cards with them.
  23. All Students must be in their class rooms before the teacher enters the class. During the absence of a teacher , the monitor ,responsible for maintaining discipline, must be obeyed.
  24. A Student who uses unfair means during tests/exams , tampers with marks ,answer sheets or report cards will be awarded zero mark in the subject, and an undertaking from the parent will have to be given.
  25. If any correction is to be made in the report card ,it is to be brought to the attention of school of school authorities within three days of receipt of the report.
  26. Students are not allowed to bring mobile to the school .They will not be allowed to answer telephone calls during class hours. They will not be allowed to receive letters or other mail without the permission of the Principal.
  27. A student who misbehaves in the school bus will be debarred from using the same. Teachers and monitors are expected to maintain discipline.
  28. Students must keep their cycles locked in the cycle stand. They should not ride their cycles within the school campus.
  29. Boy’s hair should be neatly trimmed. Fancy haircuts are not allowed. Girl’s Long hair should braided in two plaits.
  30. The students are not allowed to leave the school on working days except for very serious reasons.
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