
  1. Besides semester examinations, there will be class tests and round tests. The results of these will also be taken into account for promotion.
  2. All pupils should take the examinations as and when they are conducted. Retest will not be held for anyone who does not obtain exempting, from the principal. Exemption will be granted only for serious and valid reasons.
  3. Perfect order and discipline should be maintained during examination and test. Pupils found guilty of any malpractice will be subjected to stern disciplinary action. No re-exam will be conducted as a routine.
  4. Malpractice such as copying during examinations will be seriously dealt with. Those indulging in malpractice shall be awarded zero marks in the concerned paper and consequently not considered for promotion.
  5. If a pupil fails twice in the same class he/she should be withdrawn along with the T.C.
  6. Results declared at the end of the year are final and binding and will not be reconsidered under any circumstances.
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